Treatment of Dengue

Treatment of Dengue:-

Although no specific anti-viral tablets or injections that can kill the dengue virus are currently available, adequate supportive care and treatment could control its morbidity.
There are no specific anti-viral tablets or injections that can kill the virus. However a lot of supportive care and treatment can go a long way to save a patient suffering from dengue fever.
Fever is treated by anti-pyretics, like paracetamol.
Pain in the bone should be treated by analgesics or pain killing tablets.
In case of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever or Dengue Shock Syndrome hospitalization is a must. The mortality rate in the absence of hospitalization can be as high as 50%. With proper treatment the mortality comes down to 3%. More supportive treatment, like intravenous fluid replacement is required to prevent shock in these patients.
Vaccines are being developed against all 4 types and they will definitely be the most effective way to prevent the disease.
Prevention of mosquito breeding has by and large failed in most endemic countries.
Patients are prone to dehydration hence they should drink plenty of fluids. If necessary a few days of intra-venous fluids can be administered in the form of normal saline or dextrose saline.
In some cases, oxygen is helpful.
Steroids are not known to help.

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